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File: [local] / acopm / dist / acopm.conf.example (download)

Revision (vendor branch), Sat May 8 15:42:29 2021 UTC (3 years, 1 month ago) by bountyht
Branch: alphachat, MAIN
CVS Tags: start, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines

Initial import

# This is an example configuration file for ACOPM
# It will be installed to your configuration directory with the same name
# You should rename the installed example to acopm.conf, and then edit that

 * File inclusion is supported by using the following syntax on its own line:
 * @include "other-file.conf"
 * This can occur at *any* point in the file. For example:
 * server: {
 *     // ...
 *     @include "password.conf"
 * }
 * With the "password.conf" file containing:
 * password = "secret";

 * This section is entirely optional.
options: {

	 * Daemonise after connecting to the IRC server. Optional.
	 * Default: Don't.
	# daemonise     = false;

	 * Whether the server::conn_fmt setting (below) is a simple sscanf(3)
	 * format string, or an (extended) regular expression. If not given,
	 * it is assumed to be a simple sscanf(3) format string. Optional.
	# conn_regexp   = false;

	 * Logging mask. This is a bitmask (addition in this case because of
	 * no overlapping bits). Optional.
	 * Values:
	 *    0 - Nothing
	 *    1 - Show critical conditions
	 *    2 - Show error messages
	 *    4 - Show warning messages
	 *    8 - Show notice messages
	 *   16 - Show informational messages
	 *   32 - Show IRC traffic
	 *   64 - Show debugging messages
	 * For example, a value of 96 will show debugging messages and IRC
	 * traffic, while a value of 7 will show only critical conditions,
	 * error messages, and warning messages.
	 * If not given, the default for debug-enabled builds is to log
	 * everything, and the default otherwise is to show everything except
	 * IRC traffic and debug messages.
	 * This is also the value you would pass to the -l/--logmask command-
	 * line option, to affect the messages printed before parsing this
	 * option.
	# logmask       = 15;

	 * Logfile. Defaults to stderr if not given, otherwise give the full
	 * path to a file. Optional.
	# logfile       = "/var/log/acopm.log";

 * These values control the connection to the IRC server.
 * Some of them are optional, and commented out to demonstrate this.
server: {

	 * Hostnames and port to connect to IRCd. Required.
	 * Hostname entries can be literal IP addresses, DNS names, or names
	 * in /etc/hosts. The lookup order is each entry in the list in the
	 * order they appear here, but the order of the lookup results for
	 * each entry are wholly dependent on your system configuration.
	 * Most systems will prefer IPv6 addresses first if the name resolves
	 * to addresses of both types, and they will prefer entries in the
	 * /etc/hosts file before trying DNS, but consult /etc/nsswitch.conf
	 * ('hosts' entry) and /etc/gai.conf for the order if you are unsure.
	 * Note that these 2 files only affect the results if you use glibc.
	hostnames       = ( "localhost", "irc.example.net" );
	port            = 6697;

	 * IP addresses to bind connections from. Optional.
	 * These do not usually need to be given, as the operating system
	 * will choose a suitable source address for the connection when it
	 * is being made. However, if your system has many global-scope IP
	 * addresses and you want the program to use a particular non-default
	 * address when making a connection to the IRCd, specify that address
	 * here. If the machine does not have this address, or the address
	 * cannot be used as a source address on the interface that would be
	 * used by the connection based upon its destination address, then
	 * the connection will fail.
	 * These can each be given as hostnames; however, only the first
	 * lookup result will be used, as opposed to the hostnames to connect
	 * to above. When these are given as hostnames, a small startup delay
	 * may be incurred while the system resolves the names. If the names
	 * cannot be resolved, startup will fail.
	# bind4_addr    = "";
	# bind6_addr    = "2001:db8::c0:0:2:50";

	 * If use_tls is enabled, certfp_method and certfp_values also have
	 * to be specified. Otherwise, they are all optional. However, your
	 * program must have been built with TLS support for these 3 options
	 * to have any effect. `./configure --enable-mbedtls' is a default.
	 * You can check the output of the program with the '--version'
	 * argument to see if TLS has been enabled at compile-time.
	 * Valid values for certfp_method are combinations of the following,
	 * joined with hyphens (-):
	 * Digested data:
	 *   CERT     For the whole certificate (the most common method)
	 *   SPKI     For the public key within the certificate only
	 * Digest algorithm:
	 *   SHA1     The most common method, not recommended
	 *   SHA256   Recommended
	 *   SHA512   Paranoid
	 * Digest representation:
	 *   HEX      For hexadecimal output (the most common method)
	 *   B64      For Base64-encoded output (smaller)
	 * Example: CERT-SHA1-HEX or SPKI-SHA256-B64
	 * The acopm-mkfingerprint.sh utility included with this program can
	 * be used to compute fingerprints with any of these methods, given a
	 * certificate file as input.
	 * The certfp values are provided as a list. If you only have one
	 * value, use a list with one value, like:  certfp_values = ( "foo" )
	 * There is no (program-imposed) limit to the number of values that
	 * you can provide.
	 * All values must be computed with the same method. For this reason,
	 * the SPKI digest types are highly recommended (see below).
	 * The program will compute the server certificate's fingerprint with
	 * the same method, and compare it to the list given here. One of
	 * them must match, or the connection will not be made (because you
	 * are then vulnerable to an active man-in-the-middle attack).
	 * The SPKI digests are useful if your server certificates change
	 * frequently (for example, with Let's Encrypt certificates which
	 * are only valid for 3 months at a time). If the public key in your
	 * certificate does not change when you renew it, the SPKI finger-
	 * prints will not change either, easing configuration management.
	# use_tls       = true;
	# certfp_method = "SPKI-SHA256-B64";
	# certfp_values = (
	#     "cnqredviWVt2Vo4Ww0CgwFog0KWP7gubF7E8IC0LjuQ=",
	#     "pcky/MCUI+Wfm+Pftedhs7yzjaYvpysWO9cst4K/07Q="
	# );

	 * TLS client certificate and private key. Optional.
	#cc_file        = "acopm.ccrt";
	#ck_file        = "acopm.ckey";

	 * The following 3 values are required and self-explanatory.
	nickname        = "ACOPM";
	username        = "ACOPM";
	password        = "supersecret";

	 * Set the realname for the client. Optional.
	 * Default:        AlphaChat Open Proxy Monitor
	#realname       = "AlphaChat Open Proxy Monitor"

	 * acctuser and acctpass control identification to services accounts.
	 * If the username is set, but the password is not (or it is empty),
	 * SASL EXTERNAL authentication will be attempted. If both username
	 * and password are set, SASL PLAIN authentication will be attempted.
	 * Both values are optional. If neither are set (or the username is
	 * empty), IRCv3 will not be enabled, and SASL will not be used.
	# acctuser      = "ACOPM";
	# acctpass      = "supersecret";

	 * operuser and operpass control obtaining of IRC Operator status.
	 * Both are required.
	operuser        = "ACOPM";
	operpass        = "supersecret";

	 * Command to execute after connecting to server, identifying, and
	 * opering up, but before joining the log channel. Optional.
	 * If your server is too ancient to support SASL, this is a good
	 * place to put "PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY yourpassword" or such.
	#command        = "PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY ACOPM supersecret";

	 * Away string to apply after oper (and command) above. Optional.
	#away           = "I am a robot. Your messages will be ignored.";

	 * User mode string to apply after oper (and command, away) above.
	 * Optional.
	#mode           = "+Qg-ix";

	 * Log channel to join, its key, and the delay before joining.
	 * Optional.
	#logchan_name   = "#opers";
	#logchan_key    = "";
	#logchan_delay  = 0;

	 * Format string to use in parsing server notices, to determine when
	 * clients connect to the network, and from where. Required.
	 * If the options::conn_regexp setting (above) is false (or missing),
	 * this is a simple sscanf(3) format string. Otherwise, it is an
	 * (extended) regular expression (slower).
	 * If this is a regular expression, special characters like * must be
	 * escaped, using \ (e.g. "... \*\*\* ..."). Note that, however,
	 * because this program uses libconfig to parse strings instead of
	 * writing its own configuration file parser, the strings only need
	 * to be escaped once, unlike in HOPM where one would write "\\*".
	 * The format string or expression must match 2 elements in a client
	 * connection notice: the nickname, followed by their IP address. If
	 * your server prints them in the other order, you will need to use
	 * positional matching parameters (see the manpage references below).
	 * Consult your IRCd documentation or developers, and the sscanf(3)
	 * or regex(7) manpages for the value to use here. The value below is
	 * given for the Charybdis IRCd with the +c snomask; and it is NOT a
	 * regular expression. You may need to adjust this value if you are
	 * using different IRCd software.
	conn_fmt        = "*** Notice -- Client connecting: %s %*s [%[0-9A-Fa-f.:]] {%*s} [%*s]";

	 * Notice to send to each client if they are going to be checked
	 * against DNSBLs or scanned for open proxies. Optional.
	#client_notice  = "Your host is being checked against DNS blacklists, and scanned for open proxies.";

	 * IRC command (raw) to execute if a host is listed on a DNSBL.
	 * It should have 3 "%s" tokens (printf(3)) which are replaced by
	 * the IP address, the DNSBL domain name, and the result description
	 * (if any).
	 * Optional. If not given, matching clients will only be logged.
	dnsbl_hit_cmd   = "KLINE 4320 *@%s :Your host is listed on DNSBL %s (%s)";

	 * IRC command (raw) to execute if a host is an open proxy.
	 * It should have 1 "%s" token (printf(3)) which is replaced by the
	 * IP address.
	 * Optional. If not given, matching clients will only be logged.
	 * (However, if you set proxy_hit_exe below, it will still run)
	proxy_hit_cmd   = "KLINE 4320 *@%s :Open proxy detected on your host";

 * This section controls DNSBL lookups. Optional.
blacklist: {

	 * A timeout for lookups. Optional.
	#dns_timeout    = 5;

	 * List of nameservers to perform lookups against. Required.
	 * Supports the following address formats:
	 *   ""
	 *   ""
	 *   "2001:db8:ee:3::5"
	 *   "[2001:db8:ee:3::5]"
	 *   "[2001:db8:ee:3::5]:53"
	nameservers: (


	 * List of DNSBL domain names to perform lookups against. Required.
	domains: (

			 * Host name and address families supported.
			 * Valid values for family: 4 (IPv4), 6 (IPv6), or
			 * 10 (Both).
			 * Required.
			hostname = "dnsbl.dronebl.org";
			family   = 10;

			 * Match constraints. DNSBL will only be considered
			 * hit if the result (return address for the lookup)
			 * matches one of these addresses.
			 * If not specified, DNSBL will be considered hit if
			 * the result matches
			 * Optional.
			matches: (

				{ addr = ""; desc = "IRC Drone"; },
				{ addr = ""; desc = "Bottler"; },
				{ addr = ""; desc = "DDoS Drone"; },
				{ addr = ""; desc = "Open SOCKS Proxy"; },
				{ addr = ""; desc = "Open HTTP Proxy"; },
				{ addr = ""; desc = "Open WinGate Proxy"; }

 * This section controls proxy scanning. Optional.
 * This is commented out by default because not all server providers
 * permit you to run port scans on remote machines!
 * Please consult your provider before enabling this feature.
# proxyscan: {

	 * Timeout for completing non-blocking connections (in seconds).
	 * Minimum value: 3
	 * Default value: 10
	 * Maximum value: 60
	#connect_timeout = 10;

	 * Timeout for determining whether a port is a proxy (in seconds).
	 * Minimum value: 3
	 * Default value: 10
	 * Maximum value: 60
	#data_timeout = 10;

	 * Size of recv and send buffers (in bytes).
	 * Only consider adjusting these values if you are running into
	 * memory allocation problems when scanning a large number of ports.
	 * recvbuf min/def/max 256/2048/262144
	 * sendbuf min/def/max 128/256/4096
	#recvbuf_sz = 2048;
	#sendbuf_sz = 256;

	 * Username to indicate in SOCKSv4 and SOCKSv5 negotiation. If you
	 * are running an identd, set this to the username you run the
	 * program as.
	 * Default: "acopm"
	#username = "acopm";

	 * The following lists are supported:
	 *   port, socks4, socks5, http, https
	 * Each list is of port numbers to scan for proxies of that type.
	 * For example:
	 *   socks4 = ( 1080, 8080 );
	 *   socks5 = ( 1080, 8080 );
	 *   http   = ( 80, 3128, 8080, 8088 );
	 * The "port" proxy type is special: consider the machine abusable if
	 * the port is open, regardless of what's running behind it (we don't
	 * check or send any data/request). USE WITH CAUTION!
	#socks4 = ( 1080, 8080 );
	#socks5 = ( 1080, 8080 );
	#http   = ( 80, 3128, 8080, 8088 );

	 * Program to execute if a host is an open proxy. Optional.
	 * You can use this to, for example, report a host to DroneBL by
	 * giving the path to the DroneBL submission script included with
	 * the sourcecode of this program and installed into the bin/ sub-
	 * directory.
	 * Standard input (stdin) will be /dev/null. Standard output
	 * (stdout) and standard error (stderr) will be /dev/null too
	 * unless a log file is given below. There will be no other file
	 * descriptors. The main program will log a warning if a child
	 * process terminates with a non-zero exit code or dies due to a
	 * signal, but without the child's output, investigating why this
	 * occurred is difficult.
	 * The program will be started with the following environment
	 * variables (only):
	 * HOME         <unchanged>
	 * PATH         <unchanged>
	 * SHELL        <unchanged>
	 * USER         <unchanged>
	 * ADDRESS      The IP address the proxy was detected on
	 * PORT         The port the proxy was detected on
	 * TYPE         "HTTP", "HTTPS", "SOCKS4", or "SOCKS5"
	 * CONFIG1      The configuration variable(s) below (if given)
	 * CONFIG2      The configuration variable(s) below (if given)
	 * CONFIG3      The configuration variable(s) below (if given)
	 * CONFIG4      The configuration variable(s) below (if given)
	 * CONFIG5      The configuration variable(s) below (if given)
	#proxy_hit_exe  = "/path/to/bin/acopm-dronebl-submit.py";

	 * File to direct output of the proxy hit program above.
	 * Both stdout and stderr will go here. Optional.
	#proxy_hit_log  = "/var/log/acopm-proxy.log";

	 * Special environment variables to pass to the program above.
	 * The provided DroneBL submission script obtains its DroneBL RPC KEY
	 * and "From:" HTTP header (optional) from the first 2 of these
	 * variables. Max 256 characters each. A total of 5 variables are
	 * supported.
	 * Change these if you will be using your own program. Optional.
	#proxy_hit_var1 = "..."; /* <-- RPC KEY */
	#proxy_hit_var2 = "FooNet IRC Network <admin@foo.net>"; // Optional
	#proxy_hit_var3 = "";
	#proxy_hit_var4 = "";
	#proxy_hit_var5 = "";
# };

 * This list controls which IP addresses are exempt from scanning.
 * This list is optional, but it is recommended to leave this as it is,
 * unless you really want to scan (some of) these ranges.
exempt: (

	"",       // RFC 1700 (Only used as a source address)
	"",      // RFC 1918 (Private Network)
	"",   // RFC 6598 (Carrier-Grade NAT)
	"",     // RFC  990 (Localhost)
	"",  // RFC 3927 (IPv4 Link-Local Addresses)
	"",   // RFC 1918 (Private Network)
	"",    // RFC 5736 (IANA Special Purpose Registry)
	"",    // RFC 5737 (Reserved For Documentation)
	"",  // RFC 1918 (Private Network)
	"",   // RFC 2544 (Reserved For Benchmarking)
	"", // RFC 5737 (Reserved For Documentation)
	"",  // RFC 5737 (Reserved For Documentation)
	"",     // RFC 1112 (Reserved For Multicast)
	"",     // RFC 6890 (Reserved For Future Use)

	"::1",             // Localhost
	"100::/64",        // RFC 6666 (Traffic Discard Prefix)
	"2001:db8::/32",   // Reserved For Documentation
	"fc00::/7",        // Unique Local Addresses
	"fe80::/10",       // Link-Local Addresses
	"ff00::/8"         // Multicast Addresses