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Annotation of brogue-ce/linux/brogue-multiuser.sh, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! rubenllo    1: #!/bin/sh
        !             2:
        !             3: # This is a sample script for running Brogue when installed to a system-wide
        !             4: # directory, while keeping saves, recordings and highscores in user-specific
        !             5: # locations. Modify as necessary and place as /usr/local/bin/brogue or
        !             6: # elsewhere.
        !             7: #
        !             8: # ATTENTION: To use this, you must have built Brogue CE from source having set
        !             9: # the DATADIR build option.
        !            10:
        !            11: set -e
        !            12:
        !            13: broguedir="/opt/brogue"  # where you set DATADIR to (copy the contents of 'bin' to here)
        !            14: userdir="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/Brogue"  # where you want user files to go
        !            15:
        !            16: mkdir -p "$userdir"
        !            17: cd "$userdir"
        !            18: exec "$broguedir"/brogue
