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File: [contributed] / brogue-ce / src / brogue / Grid.c (download)

Revision 1.1, Thu May 27 20:31:40 2021 UTC (3 years, 1 month ago) by rubenllorente
Branch point for: MAIN

Initial revision

 *  Grid
 *  Brogue
 *  Created by Brian Walker on 12/7/12.
 *  Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.
 *  This file is part of Brogue.
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 *  License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "Rogue.h"
#include "IncludeGlobals.h"

// mallocing two-dimensional arrays! dun dun DUN!
short **allocGrid() {
    short i;
    short **array = malloc(DCOLS * sizeof(short *));

    array[0] = malloc(DROWS * DCOLS * sizeof(short));
    for(i = 1; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        array[i] = array[0] + i * DROWS;
    return array;

void freeGrid(short **array) {

void copyGrid(short **to, short **from) {
    short i, j;

    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            to[i][j] = from[i][j];

void fillGrid(short **grid, short fillValue) {
    short i, j;

    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            grid[i][j] = fillValue;

// Highlight the portion indicated by hiliteCharGrid with the hiliteColor at the hiliteStrength -- both latter arguments are optional.
void hiliteGrid(short **grid, color *hiliteColor, short hiliteStrength) {
    short i, j, x, y;
    color hCol;


    if (hiliteColor) {
        hCol = *hiliteColor;
    } else {
        hCol = yellow;


    if (!hiliteStrength) {
        hiliteStrength = 75;

    for (i=0; i<DCOLS; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j]) {
                x = mapToWindowX(i);
                y = mapToWindowY(j);

                displayBuffer[x][y].needsUpdate = true;
                displayBuffer[x][y].backColorComponents[0] = clamp(displayBuffer[x][y].backColorComponents[0] + hCol.red * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                displayBuffer[x][y].backColorComponents[1] = clamp(displayBuffer[x][y].backColorComponents[1] + hCol.green * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                displayBuffer[x][y].backColorComponents[2] = clamp(displayBuffer[x][y].backColorComponents[2] + hCol.blue * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                displayBuffer[x][y].foreColorComponents[0] = clamp(displayBuffer[x][y].foreColorComponents[0] + hCol.red * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                displayBuffer[x][y].foreColorComponents[1] = clamp(displayBuffer[x][y].foreColorComponents[1] + hCol.green * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                displayBuffer[x][y].foreColorComponents[2] = clamp(displayBuffer[x][y].foreColorComponents[2] + hCol.blue * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);

void findReplaceGrid(short **grid, short findValueMin, short findValueMax, short fillValue) {
    short i, j;

    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] >= findValueMin && grid[i][j] <= findValueMax) {
                grid[i][j] = fillValue;

// Flood-fills the grid from (x, y) along cells that are within the eligible range.
// Returns the total count of filled cells.
short floodFillGrid(short **grid, short x, short y, short eligibleValueMin, short eligibleValueMax, short fillValue) {
    enum directions dir;
    short newX, newY, fillCount = 1;

    brogueAssert(fillValue < eligibleValueMin || fillValue > eligibleValueMax);

    grid[x][y] = fillValue;
    for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) {
        newX = x + nbDirs[dir][0];
        newY = y + nbDirs[dir][1];
        if (coordinatesAreInMap(newX, newY)
            && grid[newX][newY] >= eligibleValueMin
            && grid[newX][newY] <= eligibleValueMax) {
            fillCount += floodFillGrid(grid, newX, newY, eligibleValueMin, eligibleValueMax, fillValue);
    return fillCount;

void drawRectangleOnGrid(short **grid, short x, short y, short width, short height, short value) {
    short i, j;

    for (i=x; i < x+width; i++) {
        for (j=y; j<y+height; j++) {
            grid[i][j] = value;

void drawCircleOnGrid(short **grid, short x, short y, short radius, short value) {
    short i, j;

    for (i=max(0, x - radius - 1); i < max(DCOLS, x + radius); i++) {
        for (j=max(0, y - radius - 1); j < max(DROWS, y + radius); j++) {
            if ((i-x)*(i-x) + (j-y)*(j-y) < radius * radius + radius) {
                grid[i][j] = value;

void intersectGrids(short **onto, short **from) {
    short i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (onto[i][j] && from[i][j]) {
                onto[i][j] = true;
            } else {
                onto[i][j] = false;

void uniteGrids(short **onto, short **from) {
    short i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (!onto[i][j] && from[i][j]) {
                onto[i][j] = from[i][j];

void invertGrid(short **grid) {
    short i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            grid[i][j] = !grid[i][j];

// Fills grid locations with the given value if they match any terrain flags or map flags.
// Otherwise does not change the grid location.
void getTerrainGrid(short **grid, short value, unsigned long terrainFlags, unsigned long mapFlags) {
    short i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] != value && cellHasTerrainFlag(i, j, terrainFlags) || (pmap[i][j].flags & mapFlags)) {
                grid[i][j] = value;

void getTMGrid(short **grid, short value, unsigned long TMflags) {
    short i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] != value && cellHasTMFlag(i, j, TMflags)) {
                grid[i][j] = value;

void getPassableArcGrid(short **grid, short minPassableArc, short maxPassableArc, short value) {
    short i, j, count;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] != value) {
                count = passableArcCount(i, j);
                if (count >= minPassableArc && count <= maxPassableArc) {
                    grid[i][j] = value;

short validLocationCount(short **grid, short validValue) {
    short i, j, count;
    count = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] == validValue) {
    return count;

short leastPositiveValueInGrid(short **grid) {
    short i, j, leastPositiveValue = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] > 0 && (leastPositiveValue == 0 || grid[i][j] < leastPositiveValue)) {
                leastPositiveValue = grid[i][j];
    return leastPositiveValue;

// Takes a grid as a mask of valid locations, chooses one randomly and returns it as (x, y).
// If there are no valid locations, returns (-1, -1).
void randomLocationInGrid(short **grid, short *x, short *y, short validValue) {
    const short locationCount = validLocationCount(grid, validValue);
    short i, j;

    if (locationCount <= 0) {
        *x = *y = -1;
    short index = rand_range(0, locationCount - 1);
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS && index >= 0; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS && index >= 0; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] == validValue) {
                if (index == 0) {
                    *x = i;
                    *y = j;

// Finds the lowest positive number in a grid, chooses one location with that number randomly and returns it as (x, y).
// If there are no valid locations, returns (-1, -1).
void randomLeastPositiveLocationInGrid(short **grid, short *x, short *y, boolean deterministic) {
    const short targetValue = leastPositiveValueInGrid(grid);
    short locationCount;
    short i, j, index;

    if (targetValue == 0) {
        *x = *y = -1;

    locationCount = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] == targetValue) {

    if (deterministic) {
        index = locationCount / 2;
    } else {
        index = rand_range(0, locationCount - 1);

    for(i = 0; i < DCOLS && index >= 0; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < DROWS && index >= 0; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] == targetValue) {
                if (index == 0) {
                    *x = i;
                    *y = j;

boolean getQualifyingPathLocNear(short *retValX, short *retValY,
                                 short x, short y,
                                 boolean hallwaysAllowed,
                                 unsigned long blockingTerrainFlags,
                                 unsigned long blockingMapFlags,
                                 unsigned long forbiddenTerrainFlags,
                                 unsigned long forbiddenMapFlags,
                                 boolean deterministic) {
    short **grid, **costMap;
    short loc[2];

    // First check the given location to see if it works, as an optimization.
    if (!cellHasTerrainFlag(x, y, blockingTerrainFlags | forbiddenTerrainFlags)
        && !(pmap[x][y].flags & (blockingMapFlags | forbiddenMapFlags))
        && (hallwaysAllowed || passableArcCount(x, y) <= 1)) {

        *retValX = x;
        *retValY = y;
        return true;

    // Allocate the grids.
    grid = allocGrid();
    costMap = allocGrid();

    // Start with a base of a high number everywhere.
    fillGrid(grid, 30000);
    fillGrid(costMap, 1);

    // Block off the pathing blockers.
    getTerrainGrid(costMap, PDS_FORBIDDEN, blockingTerrainFlags, blockingMapFlags);

    // Run the distance scan.
    grid[x][y] = 1;
    costMap[x][y] = 1;
    dijkstraScan(grid, costMap, true);
    findReplaceGrid(grid, 30000, 30000, 0);

    // Block off invalid targets that aren't pathing blockers.
    getTerrainGrid(grid, 0, forbiddenTerrainFlags, forbiddenMapFlags);
    if (!hallwaysAllowed) {
        getPassableArcGrid(grid, 2, 10, 0);

    // Get the solution.
    randomLeastPositiveLocationInGrid(grid, retValX, retValY, deterministic);

//    dumpLevelToScreen();
//    displayGrid(grid);
//    if (coordinatesAreInMap(*retValX, *retValY)) {
//        hiliteCell(*retValX, *retValY, &yellow, 100, true);
//    }
//    temporaryMessage("Qualifying path selected:", true);


    // Fall back to a pathing-agnostic alternative if there are no solutions.
    if (*retValX == -1 && *retValY == -1) {
        if (getQualifyingLocNear(loc, x, y, hallwaysAllowed, NULL,
                                 (blockingTerrainFlags | forbiddenTerrainFlags),
                                 (blockingMapFlags | forbiddenMapFlags),
                                 false, deterministic)) {
            *retValX = loc[0];
            *retValY = loc[1];
            return true; // Found a fallback solution.
        } else {
            return false; // No solutions.
    } else {
        return true; // Found a primary solution.

void cellularAutomataRound(short **grid, char birthParameters[9], char survivalParameters[9]) {
    short i, j, nbCount, newX, newY;
    enum directions dir;
    short **buffer2;

    buffer2 = allocGrid();
    copyGrid(buffer2, grid); // Make a backup of grid in buffer2, so that each generation is isolated.

    for(i=0; i<DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j=0; j<DROWS; j++) {
            nbCount = 0;
            for (dir=0; dir< DIRECTION_COUNT; dir++) {
                newX = i + nbDirs[dir][0];
                newY = j + nbDirs[dir][1];
                if (coordinatesAreInMap(newX, newY)
                    && buffer2[newX][newY]) {

            if (!buffer2[i][j] && birthParameters[nbCount] == 't') {
                grid[i][j] = 1; // birth
            } else if (buffer2[i][j] && survivalParameters[nbCount] == 't') {
                // survival
            } else {
                grid[i][j] = 0; // death


// Marks a cell as being a member of blobNumber, then recursively iterates through the rest of the blob
short fillContiguousRegion(short **grid, short x, short y, short fillValue) {
    enum directions dir;
    short newX, newY, numberOfCells = 1;

    grid[x][y] = fillValue;

    // Iterate through the four cardinal neighbors.
    for (dir=0; dir<4; dir++) {
        newX = x + nbDirs[dir][0];
        newY = y + nbDirs[dir][1];
        if (!coordinatesAreInMap(newX, newY)) {
        if (grid[newX][newY] == 1) { // If the neighbor is an unmarked region cell,
            numberOfCells += fillContiguousRegion(grid, newX, newY, fillValue); // then recurse.
    return numberOfCells;

// Loads up **grid with the results of a cellular automata simulation.
void createBlobOnGrid(short **grid,
                      short *retMinX, short *retMinY, short *retWidth, short *retHeight,
                      short roundCount,
                      short minBlobWidth, short minBlobHeight,
                      short maxBlobWidth, short maxBlobHeight, short percentSeeded,
                      char birthParameters[9], char survivalParameters[9]) {

    short i, j, k;
    short blobNumber, blobSize, topBlobNumber, topBlobSize;

    short topBlobMinX, topBlobMinY, topBlobMaxX, topBlobMaxY, blobWidth, blobHeight;
    //short buffer2[maxBlobWidth][maxBlobHeight]; // buffer[][] is already a global short array
    boolean foundACellThisLine;

    // Generate blobs until they satisfy the minBlobWidth and minBlobHeight restraints
    do {
        // Clear buffer.
        fillGrid(grid, 0);

        // Fill relevant portion with noise based on the percentSeeded argument.
        for(i=0; i<maxBlobWidth; i++) {
            for(j=0; j<maxBlobHeight; j++) {
                grid[i][j] = (rand_percent(percentSeeded) ? 1 : 0);

//        colorOverDungeon(&darkGray);
//        hiliteGrid(grid, &white, 100);
//        temporaryMessage("Random starting noise:", true);

        // Some iterations of cellular automata
        for (k=0; k<roundCount; k++) {
            cellularAutomataRound(grid, birthParameters, survivalParameters);

//            colorOverDungeon(&darkGray);
//            hiliteGrid(grid, &white, 100);
//            temporaryMessage("Cellular automata progress:", true);

//        colorOverDungeon(&darkGray);
//        hiliteGrid(grid, &white, 100);
//        temporaryMessage("Cellular automata result:", true);

        // Now to measure the result. These are best-of variables; start them out at worst-case values.
        topBlobSize =   0;
        topBlobNumber = 0;
        topBlobMinX =   maxBlobWidth;
        topBlobMaxX =   0;
        topBlobMinY =   maxBlobHeight;
        topBlobMaxY =   0;

        // Fill each blob with its own number, starting with 2 (since 1 means floor), and keeping track of the biggest:
        blobNumber = 2;

        for(i=0; i<DCOLS; i++) {
            for(j=0; j<DROWS; j++) {
                if (grid[i][j] == 1) { // an unmarked blob
                    // Mark all the cells and returns the total size:
                    blobSize = fillContiguousRegion(grid, i, j, blobNumber);
                    if (blobSize > topBlobSize) { // if this blob is a new record
                        topBlobSize = blobSize;
                        topBlobNumber = blobNumber;

        // Figure out the top blob's height and width:
        // First find the max & min x:
        for(i=0; i<DCOLS; i++) {
            foundACellThisLine = false;
            for(j=0; j<DROWS; j++) {
                if (grid[i][j] == topBlobNumber) {
                    foundACellThisLine = true;
            if (foundACellThisLine) {
                if (i < topBlobMinX) {
                    topBlobMinX = i;
                if (i > topBlobMaxX) {
                    topBlobMaxX = i;

        // Then the max & min y:
        for(j=0; j<DROWS; j++) {
            foundACellThisLine = false;
            for(i=0; i<DCOLS; i++) {
                if (grid[i][j] == topBlobNumber) {
                    foundACellThisLine = true;
            if (foundACellThisLine) {
                if (j < topBlobMinY) {
                    topBlobMinY = j;
                if (j > topBlobMaxY) {
                    topBlobMaxY = j;

        blobWidth =     (topBlobMaxX - topBlobMinX) + 1;
        blobHeight =    (topBlobMaxY - topBlobMinY) + 1;

    } while (blobWidth < minBlobWidth
             || blobHeight < minBlobHeight
             || topBlobNumber == 0);

    // Replace the winning blob with 1's, and everything else with 0's:
    for(i=0; i<DCOLS; i++) {
        for(j=0; j<DROWS; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] == topBlobNumber) {
                grid[i][j] = 1;
            } else {
                grid[i][j] = 0;

    // Populate the returned variables.
    *retMinX = topBlobMinX;
    *retMinY = topBlobMinY;
    *retWidth = blobWidth;
    *retHeight = blobHeight;