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Annotation of dgamelaunch-openbsd/examples/dgl-create-chroot.conf.example.solaris, Revision

1.1       rubenllo    1: #!/bin/sh
                      2: # hack it for crab test
                      3: # This file created by Jilles Tjoelker <jilles@stack.nl>.
                      5: chroot_path="/tmp/jilles/dgl-chroot"
                      6: shed_uid=1677
                      7: shed_gid=104
                      8: # This allows both 32-bit and 64-bit dynamically linked binaries in the chroot:
                      9: libs="/usr/lib/ld.so.1 /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1"
                     10: playground_fixed=""
                     11: playground_var=""
                     12: nethack_bin="nethackstub"
                     13: # For standard curses:
                     14: termdata="/usr/share/lib/terminfo"
                     15: #termdata="/usr/local/share/lib/terminfo"
