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Annotation of early-roguelike/rogue3/rogue36.html, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! rubenllo    1: <html>
        !             2: <head>
        !             3: <title></title>
        !             4: </head>
        !             5: <body>
        !             6:
        !             7: <h1 align=center><b>A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom</b></h1>
        !             8:
        !             9: <h2 align=center><i>Michael C. Toy</i></h2>
        !            10:
        !            11: <h3 align=center>
        !            12: Computer Systems Research Group<br>
        !            13: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science<br>
        !            14: University of California<br>
        !            15: Berkeley, California 94720</h3>
        !            16:
        !            17: <h2 align=center><i>ABSTRACT</i></h2>
        !            18:
        !            19: <blockquote>
        !            20:        <blockquote>
        !            21:                <p align="justify"><font size="2">Rogue is a visual CRT based fantasy game which runs under the
        !            22:                UNIX timesharing system. This paper describes how to play rogue, and gives a few hints for
        !            23:                those who might otherwise get
        !            24:                lost in the Dungeons of Doom.</font></p>
        !            25:        </blockquote>
        !            26: </blockquote>
        !            27:
        !            28: <h2 align="justify"><b>1. Introduction</b></h2>
        !            29:
        !            30: <p align="justify">You have just finished your years as a
        !            31: student at the local fighter&rsquo;s guild. After much
        !            32: practice and sweat you have finally completed your training
        !            33: and are ready to embark upon a perilous adventure. As a test
        !            34: of your skills, the local guildmasters have sent you into
        !            35: the Dungeons of Doom. Your task is to return with the Amulet
        !            36: of Yendor. Your reward for the completion of this task will
        !            37: be a full membership in the local guild. In addition, you
        !            38: are allowed to keep all the loot you bring back from the
        !            39: dungeons.</p>
        !            40:
        !            41: <p align="justify">In preparation for your journey, you are
        !            42: given an enchanted sword, taken
        !            43: from a dragon&rsquo;s hoard in the far off Dark Mountains.
        !            44: You are also outfitted with elf-crafted armor and given
        !            45: enough food to reach the dungeons. You say goodbye to family
        !            46: and friends for what may be the last time and head up the
        !            47: road.</p>
        !            48:
        !            49: <p align="justify">You set out on your way to the dungeons and
        !            50: after several days of uneventful travel, you see the
        !            51: ancient ruins that mark the entrance to the Dungeons of
        !            52: Doom. It is late at night so you make camp at the entrance
        !            53: and spend the night sleeping under the open skies. In the
        !            54: morning you gather your sword, put on your armor, eat what
        !            55: is almost your last food and enter the
        !            56: dungeons.</p>
        !            57:
        !            58: <h2 align="justify"><b>2. What is going on here?</b></h2>
        !            59:
        !            60: <p align="justify">You have just begun a game of rogue. Your
        !            61: goal is to grab as much treasure as you can, find the Amulet
        !            62: of Yendor, and get out of the Dungeons of Doom alive. On the
        !            63: screen, a map of where you have been and what you have seen
        !            64: on the current dungeon level is kept. As you explore more of
        !            65: the level, it appears on the screen in front of
        !            66: you.</p>
        !            67:
        !            68: <p align="justify">Rogue differs from most computer fantasy
        !            69: games in that it is screen oriented. Commands are all one or
        !            70: two keystrokes<sup>1 </sup>and the
        !            71: results of your commands are displayed graphically on the
        !            72: screen rather than being explained in words<sup>2</sup>.</p>
        !            73:
        !            74: <p align="justify">Another major difference between rogue and
        !            75: other computer fantasy games is that once you have solved
        !            76: all the puzzles in a standard fantasy game, it has lost most
        !            77: of its excitement and it ceases to be fun. Rogue on the
        !            78: other hand generates a new dungeon every time you play it
        !            79: and even the author finds it an entertaining and exciting
        !            80: game.</p>
        !            81:
        !            82: <h2 align="justify"><b>3. What do all those things on the screen mean?</b></h2>
        !            83:
        !            84: <p align="justify">In order to understand what is going on in
        !            85: rogue you have to first get some grasp of what rogue is
        !            86: doing with the screen. The rogue screen is intended to
        !            87: replace the &ldquo;You can see ...&rdquo; descriptions of
        !            88: standard fantasy games. Here is a sample of what a
        !            89: rogue screen might look like.</p>
        !            90:
        !            91: <div align="center"><pre>
        !            92:                   ---------------------
        !            93:                   |...................+
        !            94:                   |...@...........[...|
        !            95:                   |........B..........|
        !            96:                   |...................|
        !            97:                   --------+------------
        !            98:
        !            99: Level: 1  Gold: 0      Hp: 12(12)  Str: 16  Ac: 6  Exp: 1/0
        !           100: </pre></div>
        !           101:
        !           102: <h3 align="justify"><b>3.1. The bottom line</b></h3>
        !           103:
        !           104: <p align="justify">At the bottom line of the screen is a few
        !           105: pieces of cryptic information describing your current
        !           106: status. Here is an explanation of what these things
        !           107: mean:</p>
        !           108:
        !           109: <table border="0" width="100%" id="table1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
        !           110:        <tr>
        !           111:                <td><p align="justify">Level&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></td>
        !           112:                <td><p align="justify">This number indicates how deep you have gone in the
        !           113:                dungeon. It starts at one and goes up forever<sup>2</sup>.</p></td>
        !           114:        </tr>
        !           115:        <tr>
        !           116:                <td><p align="justify">Gold</p></td>
        !           117:                <td><p align="justify">The number of gold pieces you have managed to find
        !           118:                and keep with you so far.</td>
        !           119:        </tr>
        !           120:        <tr>
        !           121:                <td><p align="justify">Hp</p></td>
        !           122:                <td><p align="justify">Your current and maximum hit points.
        !           123:                Health points indicate how much damage you can take before
        !           124:                you die. The more you get hit in a fight, the lower they
        !           125:                get. You can regain health points by resting. The number in
        !           126:                parentheses is the maximum number your hit points can
        !           127:                reach.</p></td>
        !           128:        </tr>
        !           129:        <tr>
        !           130:                <td><p align="justify">Str</p></td>
        !           131:                <td><p align="justify">Your current strength. This can be any
        !           132:                integer less than or equal to eighteen. The higher the number,
        !           133:                the stronger you are.</td>
        !           134:        </tr>
        !           135:        <tr>
        !           136:                <td><p align="justify">Ac</p></td>
        !           137:                <td><p align="justify">Your current armor class. This number
        !           138:                indicates how effective your armor is in stopping blows from
        !           139:                unfriendly creatures. The lower this number is, the more
        !           140:                effective the armor.</p></td>
        !           141:        </tr>
        !           142:        <tr>
        !           143:                <td><p align="justify">Exp</p></td>
        !           144:                <td><p align="justify">These two numbers give your current experience
        !           145:                level and experience points. As you do things, you gain experience
        !           146:                points. At certain experience point totals, you gain an
        !           147:                experience level. The more experienced you are, the better
        !           148:                you are able to fight and to withstand magical attacks.</p></td>
        !           149:        </tr>
        !           150: </table>
        !           151:
        !           152: <h3 align="justify"><b>3.2. The top line</b></h3>
        !           153:
        !           154: <p align="justify">The top line of the screen is reserved for
        !           155: printing messages that describe things that are impossible
        !           156: to represent visually. If you see a &ldquo;--More--&rdquo;
        !           157: on the top line, this means that rogue wants to print
        !           158: another message on the screen, but it wants to make certain
        !           159: that you have read the one that is there first. To read the
        !           160: next message, just type a space.</p>
        !           161:
        !           162: <h3 align="justify"><b>3.3. The rest of the screen</b></h3>
        !           163:
        !           164: <p align="justify">The rest of the screen is the map of the
        !           165: level as you have explored it so far. Each symbol on the
        !           166: screen represents something. Here is a list of what the
        !           167: various symbols mean:</p>
        !           168:
        !           169: <table border="0" width="100%" id="table2" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
        !           170:        <tr>
        !           171:                <td>@</td>
        !           172:                <td><p align="justify">This symbol represents you, the adventurer.</p></td>
        !           173:        </tr>
        !           174:        <tr>
        !           175:                <td>- |</td>
        !           176:                <td><p align="justify">These symbols represent the walls of rooms.</p></td>
        !           177:        </tr>
        !           178:        <tr>
        !           179:                <td>+</td>
        !           180:                <td>
        !           181:                <p align="justify">A door to/from a room.</p></td>
        !           182:        </tr>
        !           183:        <tr>
        !           184:                <td>.</td>
        !           185:                <td><p align="justify">The floor of a room.</p></td>
        !           186:        </tr>
        !           187:        <tr>
        !           188:                <td>#</td>
        !           189:                <td><p align="justify">The floor of a passage between rooms.</p></td>
        !           190:        </tr>
        !           191:        <tr>
        !           192:                <td>*</td>
        !           193:                <td><p align="justify">A pile or pot of gold.</p></td>
        !           194:        </tr>
        !           195:        <tr>
        !           196:                <td>)</td>
        !           197:                <td><p align="justify">A weapon of some sort.</p></td>
        !           198:        </tr>
        !           199:        <tr>
        !           200:                <td>]</td>
        !           201:                <td><p align="justify">A piece of armor.</p></td>
        !           202:        </tr>
        !           203:        <tr>
        !           204:                <td>!</td>
        !           205:                <td><p align="justify">A flask containing a magic potion.</p></td>
        !           206:        </tr>
        !           207:        <tr>
        !           208:                <td>?</td>
        !           209:                <td><p align="justify">A piece of paper, usually a magic scroll.</p></td>
        !           210:        </tr>
        !           211:        <tr>
        !           212:                <td>^</td>
        !           213:                <td><p align="justify">A trap, watch out for these.</p></td>
        !           214:        </tr>
        !           215:        <tr>
        !           216:                <td>%</td>
        !           217:                <td><p align="justify">The passage leading down to the next level.</p></td>
        !           218:        </tr>
        !           219:        <tr>
        !           220:                <td>:</td>
        !           221:                <td><p align="justify">A piece of food.</p></td>
        !           222:        </tr>
        !           223:        <tr>
        !           224:                <td>A-Z&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
        !           225:                <td><p align="justify">The uppercase letters represent the various
        !           226:                inhabitants of the Dungeons of Doom. Watch out, they can be mean.</p></td>
        !           227:        </tr>
        !           228: </table>
        !           229:
        !           230: <h2 align="justify"><b>4. Commands</b></h2>
        !           231:
        !           232: <p align="justify">Commands are given to rogue by pressing single letters.
        !           233: Most commands can be preceded by a count to repeat them
        !           234: (e.g. typing &quot;10s&quot; will do ten searches) The list
        !           235: of commands is rather long, but it can be read at any time
        !           236: during the game with the ? command. Here it is for
        !           237: reference, with a short explanation of each command.</p>
        !           238:
        !           239: <div align="center">
        !           240: <table border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" id="table3">
        !           241:        <tr>
        !           242:                <td>?</td>
        !           243:                <td><p align="justify">The help command. Asks for a character to give help
        !           244:                on. If you type a &quot;*&quot;, it will list all the commands,
        !           245:                otherwise it will explain what the character you typed
        !           246:                does.</p></td>
        !           247:        </tr>
        !           248:        <tr>
        !           249:                <td>/</td>
        !           250:                <td align="justify"><p>This is the &quot;What is that on the screen?&quot;
        !           251:                command. A &quot;/&quot; followed by any character that you
        !           252:                see on the level, will tell you what that character is. For
        !           253:                instance, typing &quot;/@&quot; will tell you that the @
        !           254:                symbol represents you, the player.</p></td>
        !           255:        </tr>
        !           256:        <tr>
        !           257:                <td colspan="2">h, H</td>
        !           258:        </tr>
        !           259:        <tr>
        !           260:                <td>&nbsp;</td>
        !           261:                <td><p align="justify">Move left. You move one space to the left. If you use
        !           262:                upper case h, you will continue to move left until you run into something.
        !           263:                This works for all movement commands (e.g. &quot;L&quot; means run in direction
        !           264:                &quot;l&quot;)</p></td>
        !           265:        </tr>
        !           266:        <tr>
        !           267:                <td>j</td>
        !           268:                <td><p align="justify">Move down.</p></td>
        !           269:        </tr>
        !           270:        <tr>
        !           271:                <td>k</td>
        !           272:                <td><p align="justify">Move up.</p></td>
        !           273:        </tr>
        !           274:        <tr>
        !           275:                <td>l</td>
        !           276:                <td><p align="justify">Move right.</p></td>
        !           277:        </tr>
        !           278:        <tr>
        !           279:                <td>y</td>
        !           280:                <td><p align="justify">Move diagonally up and left.</p></td>
        !           281:        </tr>
        !           282:        <tr>
        !           283:                <td>u</td>
        !           284:                <td><p align="justify">Move diagonally up and right.</p></td>
        !           285:        </tr>
        !           286:        <tr>
        !           287:                <td>b</td>
        !           288:                <td><p align="justify">Move diagonally down and left.</p></td>
        !           289:        </tr>
        !           290:        <tr>
        !           291:                <td>n</td>
        !           292:                <td><p align="justify">Move diagonally down and right.</p></td>
        !           293:        </tr>
        !           294:        <tr>
        !           295:                <td>t</td>
        !           296:                <td><p align="justify">Throw an object. This is a prefix command. When
        !           297:                followed with a direction it throws an object in the specified direction.
        !           298:                (e.g. type &ldquo;th&rdquo; to throw something to the left.)</p></td>
        !           299:        </tr>
        !           300:        <tr>
        !           301:                <td>f</td>
        !           302:                <td><p align="justify">Find prefix. When followed by a direction it means to
        !           303:                continue moving in the specified direction until you pass
        !           304:                something interesting or run into a wall.</p></td>
        !           305:        </tr>
        !           306:        <tr>
        !           307:                <td>t</td>
        !           308:                <td><p align="justify">Throw an object. This is a prefix command. Follow it
        !           309:                with a direction and you throw an object in the specified
        !           310:                direction. (e.g. type &quot;th&quot; to throw something
        !           311:                left.)</p></td>
        !           312:        </tr>
        !           313:        <tr>
        !           314:                <td>&gt;</td>
        !           315:                <td><p align="justify">If you are standing over the passage down to the next
        !           316:                level, this command means to climb down.</p></td>
        !           317:                </tr>
        !           318:        <tr>
        !           319:                <td>s</td>
        !           320:                <td><p align="justify">Search for traps and secret doors. Examine each space
        !           321:                immediately adjacent to you for the existence of a trap or
        !           322:                secret door. There is a large chance that even if there is
        !           323:                something there, you won&rsquo;t find it so you might have
        !           324:                to search a while before you find something.</p></td>
        !           325:        </tr>
        !           326:        <tr>
        !           327:                <td>&nbsp;</td>
        !           328:                <td><p align="justify">(space) Rest. This is the &quot;do nothing&quot;
        !           329:                command. This is good for waiting and healing.</p></td>
        !           330:        </tr>
        !           331:        <tr>
        !           332:                <td align="left" valign="top">
        !           333:                <p>i</td>
        !           334:                <td align="justify">
        !           335:                <p>Inventory. List what you are carrying in your pack.</td>
        !           336:        </tr>
        !           337:        <tr>
        !           338:                <td>I</td>
        !           339:                <td><p align="justify">Selective inventory. Tells you what a single item in
        !           340:                your pack is.</p></td>
        !           341:        </tr>
        !           342:        <tr>
        !           343:                <td>q</td>
        !           344:                <td><p align="justify">Quaff. Drink one of the potions you are
        !           345:                carrying.</p></td>
        !           346:        </tr>
        !           347:        <tr>
        !           348:                <td>r</td>
        !           349:                <td><p align="justify">Read. Read one of the scrolls in your pack.</p></td>
        !           350:        </tr>
        !           351:        <tr>
        !           352:                <td>e</td>
        !           353:                <td><p align="justify">Eat food. Take some food out of your pack and eat
        !           354:                it.</p></td>
        !           355:        </tr>
        !           356:        <tr>
        !           357:                <td>w</td>
        !           358:                <td><p align="justify">Wield a weapon. Take a weapon out of your pack and
        !           359:                carry it. You must be wielding weapon to use it (except to throw
        !           360:                things). To fire an arrow, you must wield the bow. You can
        !           361:                only wield one weapon at a time.</p></td>
        !           362:        </tr>
        !           363:        <tr>
        !           364:                <td>W</td>
        !           365:                <td><p align="justify">Wear armor. Take a piece of armor out of your pack
        !           366:                and put it on. You can only wear one suit of armor at a time.</td>
        !           367:        </tr>
        !           368:        <tr>
        !           369:                <td>T</td>
        !           370:                <td><p align="justify">Take armor off. You can&rsquo;t remove armor that is
        !           371:                cursed. This takes extra time.</p></td>
        !           372:        </tr>
        !           373:        <tr>
        !           374:                <td>d</td>
        !           375:                <td><p align="justify">Drop an object. Take something out of your pack and
        !           376:                leave it lying on the floor. Only one object can occupy each
        !           377:                space.</p></td>
        !           378:        </tr>
        !           379:        <tr>
        !           380:                <td>o</td>
        !           381:                <td><p align="justify">Examine and set options. This command is further
        !           382:                explained in the section on options.</p></td>
        !           383:        </tr>
        !           384:        <tr>
        !           385:                <td>^L</td>
        !           386:                <td><p align="justify">Redraws the screen. Useful if spurious messages or
        !           387:                transmission errors have messed up the display.</p></td>
        !           388:        </tr>
        !           389:        <tr>
        !           390:                <td>v</td>
        !           391:                <td><p align="justify">Prints the program version number.</p></td>
        !           392:        </tr>
        !           393:        <tr>
        !           394:                <td>Q</td>
        !           395:                <td><p align="justify">Quit. Leave the game.</p></td>
        !           396:        </tr>
        !           397:        <tr>
        !           398:                <td>R</td>
        !           399:                <td><p align="justify">Repeat last message. Useful when a message disappears
        !           400:                before you can read it.</p></td>
        !           401:        </tr>
        !           402:        <tr>
        !           403:                <td>S</td>
        !           404:                <td><p align="justify">Save the current game in a file. Caveat: Rogue
        !           405:                won&rsquo;t let you start up a copy of a saved game, and it
        !           406:                removes the save file as soon as you start up a restored
        !           407:                game. This is to prevent people from saving a game just
        !           408:                before a dangerous position and then restarting it if they
        !           409:                die. To restore a saved game, give the file name as an
        !           410:                argument to rogue. As in % rogue36 save_file</p></td>
        !           411:        </tr>
        !           412: </table>
        !           413: </div>
        !           414:
        !           415: <h2 align="justify"><b>5. Dealing with objects</b></h2>
        !           416:
        !           417: <p align="justify">When you find something in the dungeon, it is common to
        !           418: want to pick the object up. This is accomplished in rogue by
        !           419: walking over the object. If you are carrying too many
        !           420: things, the program will tell you and it won&rsquo;t pick up
        !           421: the object, otherwise it will add it to your pack and if the
        !           422: notify option is set, tell you what you just picked up.</p>
        !           423:
        !           424: <p align="justify">Many of the commands that operate on objects must prompt
        !           425: you to find out which object you want to use. If you change
        !           426: your mind and don&rsquo;t want to do that command after all,
        !           427: just press an escape and the command will be aborted.</p>
        !           428:
        !           429: <h2 align="justify"><b>6. Light</b></h2>
        !           430:
        !           431: <p align="justify">Rooms in the dungeons are either lit or dark. If you
        !           432: walk into a lit room, the entire room will be drawn on the
        !           433: screen as soon as you enter. If you walk into a dark room,
        !           434: it will only be displayed as you explore it. Upon leaving a
        !           435: dark room, all objects inside the room which might move are
        !           436: removed from the screen. In the darkness you can only see
        !           437: one space in all directions around you.</p>
        !           438:
        !           439: <h2 align="justify"><b>7. Fighting</b></h2>
        !           440: <p align="justify">If you see a monster and you wish to fight it, just
        !           441: attempt to run into it. Many times a monster you find will
        !           442: mind its own business unless you attack it. It is often the
        !           443: case that discretion is the better part of valor.</p>
        !           444:
        !           445: <h2 align="justify">8<b>. Armor</b></h2>
        !           446:
        !           447: <p align="justify">There are various sorts of armor lying around in the
        !           448: dungeon. Some of it is enchanted, some is cursed and some is
        !           449: just normal. Different armor types have different armor
        !           450: classes. The lower the armor class, the more protection the
        !           451: armor affords against the blows of monsters. If a piece of
        !           452: armor is enchanted or cursed, its armor class will be higher
        !           453: or lower than normal. Here is a list of the various armor
        !           454: types and their normal armor class.</p>
        !           455:
        !           456: <div align="center">
        !           457:        <table border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" id="table4" style="border-collapse: collapse">
        !           458:                <tr>
        !           459:                        <th><i>Type</i></th>
        !           460:                        <th><i>Class</i></th>
        !           461:                </tr>
        !           462:                <tr>
        !           463:                        <td>Leather armor</td>
        !           464:                        <td align="center">8</td>
        !           465:                </tr>
        !           466:                <tr>
        !           467:                        <td>Studded leather / Ring mail</td>
        !           468:                        <td align="center">7</td>
        !           469:                </tr>
        !           470:                <tr>
        !           471:                        <td>Scale mail </td>
        !           472:                        <td align="center">6</td>
        !           473:                </tr>
        !           474:                <tr>
        !           475:                        <td>Chain mail&nbsp; </td>
        !           476:                        <td align="center">5</td>
        !           477:                </tr>
        !           478:                <tr>
        !           479:                        <td>Banded mail / Splint mail</td>
        !           480:                        <td align="center">4</td>
        !           481:                </tr>
        !           482:                <tr>
        !           483:                        <td>Plate mail</td>
        !           484:                        <td align="center">3</td>
        !           485:                </tr>
        !           486:        </table>
        !           487: </div>
        !           488:
        !           489: <h2 align="justify">9<b>. Options</b></h2>
        !           490:
        !           491: <p align="justify">Due to variations in personal tastes and conceptions of
        !           492: the way rogue should do things, there are a set of options
        !           493: you can set that cause rogue to behave in various different
        !           494: ways.</p>
        !           495:
        !           496: <h3 align="justify"><b>9.1 Setting the options</b></h3>
        !           497:
        !           498: <p align="justify">There are basically two ways to set the options. The
        !           499: first is with the &quot;o&quot; command of rogue, the second
        !           500: is with the ROGUEOPTS environment variable. On Version 6
        !           501: systems, there is no equivalent of the ROGUEOPTS
        !           502: feature.</p>
        !           503:
        !           504: <h3 align="justify"><b>9.1.1. Using the &quot;o&quot; command</b></h3>
        !           505:
        !           506: <p align="justify">When you press &quot;o&quot; in rogue, it clears the
        !           507: screen and displays the current settings for all the
        !           508: options. It then places the cursor by the value of the first
        !           509: option and waits for you to type. You can type a RETURN
        !           510: which means to go to the next option, a &quot;&minus;&quot;
        !           511: which means to go to the previous option, an escape which
        !           512: means to return to the game, or you can give the option a
        !           513: value. For boolean options this merely involves pressing
        !           514: &quot;t&quot; for true or &quot;f&quot; for false. For
        !           515: string options, type the new value followed by a return.</p>
        !           516:
        !           517: <h3 align="justify">9<b>.1.2. Using the ROGUEOPTS variable</b></h3>
        !           518:
        !           519: <p align="justify">The ROGUEOPTS variable is a string containing a comma
        !           520: separated list of initial values for the various options.
        !           521: Boolean variables can be turned on by listing their name and
        !           522: turned off by putting a &quot;no&quot; in front of the name.
        !           523: Thus to set up an environment variable so that jump is on,
        !           524: terse is off, the name is set to &quot;Conan the
        !           525: Barbarian&quot; and the fruit is &quot;mango&quot;, use the
        !           526: command</p>
        !           527:
        !           528: <div align="justify"><pre>
        !           529:    % setenv ROGUEOPTS &quot;jump,noterse,name=Conan the Barbarian,fruit=mango&quot;<sup>3</sup>
        !           530: </pre></div>
        !           531:
        !           532: <h3 align="justify"><b>9.2. Option list</b></h3>
        !           533:
        !           534: <p align="justify">Here is a list of the options and an explanation of what
        !           535: each one is for. The default value for each is enclosed in
        !           536: square brackets.</p>
        !           537:
        !           538: <p align="justify"><b>terse</b>[<i>noterse</i>]</p>
        !           539: <blockquote>
        !           540:        <p align="justify">
        !           541:        Useful for those who are tired of the sometimes lengthy
        !           542:        messages of rogue. This is a useful option for those on slow
        !           543:        terminals. This option defaults to on if your are on a slow
        !           544:        (under 1200 baud) terminal.</p>
        !           545: </blockquote>
        !           546:
        !           547: <p align="justify"><b>jump</b>[<i>nojump</i>]</p>
        !           548: <blockquote>
        !           549:        <p align="justify">If this option is set, running moves will not be
        !           550:        displayed until you reach the end of the move. This saves
        !           551:        considerable cpu time and display time. This option defaults
        !           552:        to on if you are using a slow terminal.</p>
        !           553: </blockquote>
        !           554:
        !           555: <p align="justify"><b>step</b>[<i>nostep</i>]</p>
        !           556: <blockquote>
        !           557:        <p align="justify">When step is set, lists of things, like inventories or
        !           558:        &quot;*&quot; responses to &quot;Which item do you wish to
        !           559:        xxxx? &quot; questions, are displayed one item at a time on
        !           560:        the top of the screen, rather than clearing the screen,
        !           561:        displaying the list, then re-displaying the dungeon
        !           562:        level.</p>
        !           563: </blockquote>
        !           564:
        !           565: <p align="justify"><b>flush</b>[<i>noflush</i>]</p>
        !           566: <blockquote>
        !           567:        <p align="justify">If flush is set, all typeahead is thrown away after each
        !           568:        round of battle. This is useful for those who type way ahead
        !           569:        and watch to their dismay as a Kobold kills them.</p>
        !           570: </blockquote>
        !           571:
        !           572: <p align="justify"><b>askme</b>[<i>noaskme</i>]</p>
        !           573: <blockquote>
        !           574:        <p align="justify">Upon reading a scroll or quaffing a potion which does
        !           575:        not automatically identify it upon use, rogue will ask you
        !           576:        what to name it so you can recognize it in the future.</p>
        !           577: </blockquote>
        !           578:
        !           579: <p align="justify"><b>name</b> [account name]</p>
        !           580: <blockquote>
        !           581:        <p align="justify">This is the name of your character. It is used if you
        !           582:        get on the top ten scorer&rsquo;s list. It should be less
        !           583:        than eighty characters long.</p>
        !           584: </blockquote>
        !           585:
        !           586: <p align="justify"><b>fruit</b>[<i>slime-mold</i>]</p>
        !           587: <blockquote>
        !           588:        <p align="justify">This should hold the name of a fruit that you enjoy
        !           589:        eating. It is basically a whimsy that the program uses in a
        !           590:        couple of places.</p>
        !           591: </blockquote>
        !           592:
        !           593: <p align="justify"><b>file</b>[<i>rogue3.save</i>]</p>
        !           594: <blockquote>
        !           595:        <p align="justify">The default file name for saving the game. If your phone
        !           596:        is hung up by accident, rogue will automatically save the
        !           597:        game in this file. The file name may contain the special
        !           598:        character &quot;~&quot; which expands to be your home
        !           599:        directory.</p>
        !           600: </blockquote>
        !           601:
        !           602: <h2 align="justify"><br>
        !           603:
        !           604: <b>10. Acknowledgements</b></h2>
        !           605:
        !           606: <p align="justify">Rogue was originally conceived of by Glenn Wichman and
        !           607: Michael Toy. The help of Ken Arnold in making the program
        !           608: easier to use and putting the finishing touches on is
        !           609: greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank Marty
        !           610: McNary, Scott Nelson, Daniel Jensen, Kipp Hickman, Joe
        !           611: Kalash, Steve Maurer, Bill Joy, Mark Horton and Jan Miller
        !           612: for their ideas and assistance.</p>
        !           613:
        !           614: <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" id="table5">
        !           615:        <tr>
        !           616:                <td align="center"><sup>1</sup></td>
        !           617:                <td>As opposed to pseudo English sentences.</td>
        !           618:        </tr>
        !           619:        <tr>
        !           620:                <td align="center"><sup>2</sup></td>
        !           621:                <td>Or until you get killed or decide to quit.</td>
        !           622:        </tr>
        !           623:        <tr>
        !           624:                <td align="center"><sup>3</sup>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
        !           625:                <td><p>For those of you who use the Bourne shell, the commands would be</p>
        !           626: <pre>    $ ROGUEOPTS=&quot;jump,noterse,name=Conan the Barbarian,fruit=mango&quot;
        !           627:     $ export ROGUEOPTS</pre>
        !           628:                </td>
        !           629:        </tr>
        !           630: </table>
        !           631:
        !           632: </body>
        !           633: </html>
