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Annotation of early-roguelike/rogue3/wizard.c, Revision

1.1       rubenllo    1:
                      2: /*
                      3:  * Special wizard commands (some of which are also non-wizard commands
                      4:  * under strange circumstances)
                      5:  *
                      6:  * @(#)wizard.c        3.8 (Berkeley) 6/3/81
                      7:  *
                      8:  * Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom
                      9:  * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
                     10:  * All rights reserved.
                     11:  *
                     12:  * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information.
                     13:  */
                     15: #include "curses.h"
                     16: #include <ctype.h>
                     17: #include <string.h>
                     18: #include <stdlib.h>
                     19: #include "machdep.h"
                     20: #include "rogue.h"
                     22: /*
                     23:  * whatis:
                     24:  *     What a certin object is
                     25:  */
                     27: void
                     28: whatis()
                     29: {
                     30:     struct object *obj;
                     31:     struct linked_list *item;
                     33:     if ((item = get_item("identify", 0)) == NULL)
                     34:        return;
                     35:     obj = (struct object *) ldata(item);
                     36:     switch (obj->o_type)
                     37:     {
                     38:         case SCROLL:
                     39:            s_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
                     40:            if (s_guess[obj->o_which])
                     41:            {
                     42:                free(s_guess[obj->o_which]);
                     43:                s_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
                     44:            }
                     45:         when POTION:
                     46:            p_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
                     47:            if (p_guess[obj->o_which])
                     48:            {
                     49:                free(p_guess[obj->o_which]);
                     50:                p_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
                     51:            }
                     52:        when STICK:
                     53:            ws_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
                     54:            obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
                     55:            if (ws_guess[obj->o_which])
                     56:            {
                     57:                free(ws_guess[obj->o_which]);
                     58:                ws_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
                     59:            }
                     60:         when WEAPON:
                     61:         case ARMOR:
                     62:            obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
                     63:         when RING:
                     64:            r_know[obj->o_which] = TRUE;
                     65:            obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW;
                     66:            if (r_guess[obj->o_which])
                     67:            {
                     68:                free(r_guess[obj->o_which]);
                     69:                r_guess[obj->o_which] = NULL;
                     70:            }
                     71:     }
                     72:     msg(inv_name(obj, FALSE));
                     73: }
                     75: /*
                     76:  * create_obj:
                     77:  *     Wizard command for getting anything he wants
                     78:  */
                     80: void
                     81: create_obj()
                     82: {
                     83:     struct linked_list *item;
                     84:     struct object *obj;
                     85:     int bless;
                     86:     int ch;
                     88:     item = new_item(sizeof *obj);
                     89:     obj = (struct object *) ldata(item);
                     90:     msg("Type of item: ");
                     91:     obj->o_type = readchar(cw);
                     92:     mpos = 0;
                     93:     msg("Which %c do you want? (0-f)", obj->o_type);
                     94:     obj->o_which = (isdigit((ch = readchar(cw))) ? ch - '0' : ch - 'a' + 10);
                     95:     obj->o_group = 0;
                     96:     obj->o_count = 1;
                     97:     mpos = 0;
                     98:     if (obj->o_type == WEAPON || obj->o_type == ARMOR)
                     99:     {
                    100:        msg("Blessing? (+,-,n)");
                    101:        bless = readchar(cw);
                    102:        mpos = 0;
                    103:        if (obj->o_type == WEAPON)
                    104:        {
                    105:            init_weapon(obj, obj->o_which);
                    106:            if (bless == '-') {
                    107:                obj->o_hplus -= rnd(3)+1;
                    108:                obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
                    109:            }
                    110:            if (bless == '+')
                    111:                obj->o_hplus += rnd(3)+1;
                    112:        }
                    113:        else
                    114:        {
                    115:            obj->o_ac = a_class[obj->o_which];
                    116:            if (bless == '-') {
                    117:                obj->o_ac += rnd(3)+1;
                    118:                obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
                    119:            }
                    120:            if (bless == '+')
                    121:                obj->o_ac -= rnd(3)+1;
                    122:        }
                    123:     }
                    124:     else if (obj->o_type == RING)
                    125:        switch (obj->o_which)
                    126:        {
                    127:            case R_PROTECT:
                    128:            case R_ADDSTR:
                    129:            case R_ADDHIT:
                    130:            case R_ADDDAM:
                    131:                msg("Blessing? (+,-,n)");
                    132:                bless = readchar(cw);
                    133:                mpos = 0;
                    134:                if (bless == '-')
                    135:                    obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED;
                    136:                obj->o_ac = (bless == '-' ? -1 : rnd(2) + 1);
                    137:        }
                    138:     else if (obj->o_type == STICK)
                    139:        fix_stick(obj);
                    140:     add_pack(item, FALSE);
                    141: }
                    143: /*
                    144:  * telport:
                    145:  *     Bamf the hero someplace else
                    146:  */
                    148: int
                    149: teleport()
                    150: {
                    151:     int rm;
                    152:     coord c;
                    154:     c = hero;
                    155:     mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, mvwinch(stdscr, hero.y, hero.x));
                    156:     do
                    157:     {
                    158:        rm = rnd_room();
                    159:        rnd_pos(&rooms[rm], &hero);
                    160:     } until(winat(hero.y, hero.x) == FLOOR);
                    161:     light(&c);
                    162:     light(&hero);
                    163:     mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
                    164:     /*
                    165:      * turn off ISHELD in case teleportation was done while fighting
                    166:      * a Fungi
                    167:      */
                    168:     if (on(player, ISHELD)) {
                    169:        struct linked_list *item;
                    170:        struct thing *mon;
                    172:        player.t_flags &= ~ISHELD;
                    173:        fung_hit = 0;
                    174:        for (item = mlist; item != NULL; item = next(item)) {
                    175:            mon = (struct thing *) ldata(item);
                    176:            if (mon->t_type == 'F')
                    177:                strcpy(mon->t_stats.s_dmg, "000d0");
                    178:        }
                    179:     }
                    180:     count = 0;
                    181:     running = FALSE;
                    182:     flush_type();              /* flush typeahead */
                    183:     return rm;
                    184: }
                    186: /*
                    187:  * passwd:
                    188:  *     see if user knows password
                    189:  */
                    191: int
                    192: passwd()
                    193: {
                    194:     char *sp, c;
                    195:     char buf[80];
                    197:     msg("Wizard's Password:");
                    198:     mpos = 0;
                    199:     sp = buf;
                    200:     while ((c = readchar(cw)) != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\033')
                    201:        if (c == md_killchar())
                    202:            sp = buf;
                    203:        else if (c == md_erasechar() && sp > buf)
                    204:            sp--;
                    205:        else
                    206:            *sp++ = c;
                    207:     if (sp == buf)
                    208:        return FALSE;
                    209:     *sp = '\0';
                    210:     return (strcmp(PASSWD, crypt(buf, "mT")) == 0);
                    211: }
