#Name of local network; default ircnow #localnet = ircnow #Internal IPv4 address and plaintext port; default #host = #port = 1337 #Bouncer hostname hostname = example.ircnow.org #External IP addresses, plaintext and ssl port ip4 = ip6 = 2001:db8:: ip6subnet = 64 ip6prefix = 48 #plainport = 1337 #sslport = 31337 #Nick and password of bot -- make sure to add to oper block nick = botnow pass = password #List of channels for requesting bouncers chans = #ircnow #testing #List of staff nicks; comment out to avoid highlights staff = jrmu test #List of team channels on localnet; comment out to disable teamchans = #ircnow-team #Mail from address mailfrom = support@ircnow.org #mailname = support #Modules to load modules = BNC DNS Mail Shell SQLite Hash Help #Comment out the line below die = You did not configure botnow.conf! ##################################### # Advanced Options Below # # Do not edit unless needed # ##################################### #Join chans on localnet? #localchans = False #Number of words in password #passlength = 3 #Time in seconds before captcha expires #expires = 1800 #DNS zone directory #zonedir = /var/nsd/zones/master/ #ZNC install directory #zncdir = /home/znc/home/znc/ #Network Interface Config File #hostnameif = /etc/hostname.vio0 #Verbosity: NONE, ERRORS, WARNINGS, ALL #verbose = ERRORS #Terms of Service #terms = IRCNow: Of the User, By the User, For the User. Rules: no porn, no illegal drugs, no gambling, no slander, no warez, no promoting violence, no spam, illegal cracking, or DDoS. Only one account per person. Don't share passwords. Full terms: https://ircnow.org/terms.php