/* * All the daemon and fuse functions are in here * * @(#)daemons.c 3.7 (Berkeley) 6/15/81 * * Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom * Copyright (C) 1980, 1981 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman * All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE.TXT for full copyright and licensing information. */ #include "curses.h" #include "rogue.h" /* * doctor: * A healing daemon that restors hit points after rest */ void doctor() { register int lv, ohp; lv = pstats.s_lvl; ohp = pstats.s_hpt; quiet++; if (lv < 8) { if (quiet > 20 - lv*2) pstats.s_hpt++; } else if (quiet >= 3) pstats.s_hpt += rnd(lv - 7)+1; if (ISRING(LEFT, R_REGEN)) pstats.s_hpt++; if (ISRING(RIGHT, R_REGEN)) pstats.s_hpt++; if (ohp != pstats.s_hpt) { if (pstats.s_hpt > max_hp) pstats.s_hpt = max_hp; quiet = 0; } } /* * Swander: * Called when it is time to start rolling for wandering monsters */ void swander() { start_daemon(rollwand, 0, BEFORE); } /* * rollwand: * Called to roll to see if a wandering monster starts up */ int between = 0; void rollwand() { if (++between >= 4) { if (roll(1, 6) == 4) { wanderer(); kill_daemon(rollwand); fuse(swander, 0, WANDERTIME, BEFORE); } between = 0; } } /* * unconfuse: * Release the poor player from his confusion */ void unconfuse() { player.t_flags &= ~ISHUH; msg("You feel less confused now"); } /* * unsee: * He lost his see invisible power */ void unsee() { player.t_flags &= ~CANSEE; } /* * sight: * He gets his sight back */ void sight() { if (on(player, ISBLIND)) { extinguish(sight); player.t_flags &= ~ISBLIND; light(&hero); msg("The veil of darkness lifts"); } } /* * nohaste: * End the hasting */ void nohaste() { player.t_flags &= ~ISHASTE; msg("You feel yourself slowing down."); } /* * digest the hero's food */ void stomach() { register int oldfood; if (food_left <= 0) { /* * the hero is fainting */ if (no_command || rnd(100) > 20) return; no_command = rnd(8)+4; if (!terse) addmsg("You feel too weak from lack of food. "); msg("You faint"); running = FALSE; count = 0; hungry_state = 3; } else { oldfood = food_left; food_left -= ring_eat(LEFT) + ring_eat(RIGHT) + 1 - amulet; if (food_left < MORETIME && oldfood >= MORETIME) { msg("You are starting to feel weak"); hungry_state = 2; } else if (food_left < 2 * MORETIME && oldfood >= 2 * MORETIME) { if (!terse) msg("You are starting to get hungry"); else msg("Getting hungry"); hungry_state = 1; } } }